Word Picture Wednesday: The Park After Dark

After a day spent in a curtain-pulled house, hiding from the blasting sun, nursing my pounding head: my daughter, the dim glow of her white and purple zebra pajamas, the flashlight strapped around her wrist tracing crazy patterns on the sand below, swinging up into the stars.


Julie said…
i love this post. i think this should be a new trend. the word picture. hope your head feels better.
Pamela said…
Cool! I think this heat is turning us all into night-dwellers.
Anonymous said…
This is better than a regular picture. WAY better.
Paul Wynn said…
I'd hide in the dark too. Sometimes it feels a bit better to shy from society AND it feels a lot cooler.
Kitty Deschanel said…
Word picture Wednesday is such a neat idea! What a great way to stretch your creative writing muscles :)
Pam said…
I can picture it all better than a photo. You capture life so well, pounding head or not. Be well today.
Nicole said…
Perfectly described. But aching head? Hope you feel better! Ack!
Anonymous said…
I love this.
Shan said…
That is awesome!
Betsy B. Honest said…
Is that hangover poetry? Better than a poetry hangover, that's for sure.
Ms. G said…
Excellent picture! I think it's interesting that a couple of the other commentors mentioned being cooler. It made me feel the same way.
Kitty Deschanel said…
Thanks for your reassuring comment on my blog. I just got home from getting my tetanus shot and it was totally NO BIG DEAL! It didn't even pinch! LOL, I couldn't believe it and kept my eyes closed afterward because I was expecting more to come.
Ahh, bloggy friends make everything in life better!! :)

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