Why I Didn't Blog Last Night

Eve and I came back from the cottage last night -- I was desperate for a night in my own bed and Eve needed to see her friend Marianna before she leaves for Greece for the summer. Angus and Matt are in Cornwall for the week-end for a baseball tournament (just got the word that they are undefeated, 5 and 0 for the week-end -- go A-team), so we were planning to have a girls' night, which generally means a movie, a bunch of stories, then she sleeps in my bed. We were both kind of beat from a few days in the sun and a few late nights and a few too many alcoholic beverages (for a seven-year-old she can really pound back the Bud), so we got some dinner and watched The Last Mimzy (pretty good, with a less distressing ending than the story, which I remember reading years ago and being completely freaked out by). We read a couple of stories, then my plan was for her to crawl into my bed and me to have a couple of hours to unpack, do laundry, do some blogging, read the paper etc. The cottage has been wonderful and seeing various parts of the family who we don't see nearly enough has been really great, but you're pretty much with people all the time, and I do kind of feel the need for some alone time after a few days of that.

Eve went up and brushed her teeth and put on her pajamas and came downstairs and said "can we go to bed now?" I said "why don't you just crawl into Daddy's spot and look at some books and I'll be there in a while?" She looked at the clock and said "okay. How about...either you can come up sooner, or I'll tell you when it's ten o'clock?" I blinked at her and said "...are you telling me that ten o'clock is my bedtime?" She raised her eyebrows hopefully and said "yes?" Clearly, her going to bed without me was contravening the rules of the girls' night.

And that's why I didn't blog last night.


Shan said…
Very good reason not to blog!
Mary Lynn said…
Best reason I can think of!
Anonymous said…
The rules of girl's night are very clear. And not meant to be broken. Not even a little.
Anonymous said…
with girl's night you are always treading on sacred ground.
Julie said…
and how was your sleep? i lay down with the jb on friday night. i don't know who fell sleep first. 10 hrs sleep. sweet!
Pauline said…
Woo! Party until a reasonable hour! LOL! Ten O'Clock is pretty much my bedtime! (I wake up everyday at 6-6:30am no matter what, so I can't go to bed too late! :P)
Anonymous said…
that is supper sweet. I wouldn't have blogged either :)
Sleep is always a good reason not to blog.
Pam said…
Well I beg to differ. Where the heck do your loyalties lie anyway?! You would choose sleep and snuggles over the cool comfort of a laptop? Girl-time over Googles? You should know that I am counting on you to make up that lost time to help me make it through my long hot non-school days, K? Glad you and your brood are having a great summer. ;-)
Kelly Miller said…
Sounds like a great reason not to blog. My reason last night was a bottle of wine. The night before that, a book. The night before that, a movie. Not good reasons at all.
Ms. G said…
No better reason. That is so sweet. It reminded me of time I used to spend with my mom as a child when my dad worked nights.
SuziCate said…
Awe, girl time with Eve is definitely a good reason not to blog, so happy you're having a good time.

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