Wordless Wednesdays: Take Me Out to the...

Really looks like she knows what she's doing, huh? (For the most part, she doesn't have a clue).

Sitting on the bench somehow turned into lolling in the shade (over 30 degrees and humid).

Well THAT was refreshing.

For once she runs home without clutching the batting helmet to her head.

Did we mention she got FOUR runs in this game? AND we beat the team that creamed us last time? Still not sure how. But yay.


Pamela said…
Nice! Glad they had fun, despite the ungodly temperature:)
Anonymous said…
help me if my kids are sporty!
Mary Lynn said…
She looks so awesome all decked out in her baseball gear. But manohman, it must've been hot watching the game!
Pam said…
Well done Slugger! Glad she is having fun.
Anonymous said…
4 runs? Go Eve!
Julie said…
woohoo! and she's looks like an old hat at it.
Anonymous said…
Yay, and she look like she's having a blast!
Kelly Miller said…
I love that strut in the first photo! I do not envy you the hot and humid game days, but at least the kids know how to make the most of it, right?
Ms. G said…
Yay is right!!You just gave me flashbacks! What a doll, sometimes I really miss those days : )
The Mayor! said…
OMG, how did I miss your WW??!! I gotta pull my head out of my a$$ LOL!! ANYWHO, loving these shots, they look sooo happy! I hear ya though, my son had his first soccer game Wed. in the 30 degree heat, BRUTAL! NOT that I'm complaining...LORD knows I hate winter LOL!! :-D
Rosemary said…
I'm definitely putting Holly in baseball next year. This is Aidan's first year playing and we're all loving it!
BeachMama said…
This post is fabulous. Love seeing your sweet girl out in the field playing ball, especially in all that heat and humidity.

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