Wordless Wednesdays: Quiet, Stuff Growing.


Pam said…
Gorgeous green-thumbed girl growing great groovy garden goodies.
Pamela said…
Awesome! Isn't it great when you can get them to do stuff? Unfortunately, my son would rather rip out the flowers rather than plant them!
Anonymous said…
I want to garden! -stomps feet- We just moved into a new development and are waiting for grass. I might have to resort to guerilla gardening and just trespass into someone else's at night and pull out some weeds or something!
I'm a new gardening convert. Unfortunately my 19-mth-old has ripped up half of my seedlings. :( It'll be great when she's older and can help out like your daughter!
The Mayor! said…
Great shots, & such a wonderful pastime with the kids! My MIL has an incredible green thumb & I adore seeing my girls in the garden with her! Happy WW chickie!! :-D
Kelly Miller said…
I love this so much! What a great gift you're giving your kids.

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