Wordless Wednesdays (have gone monochromatic)

She says she's a superhero (we call her Super Orange Laryngitis Girl) but she also does interpretive dance. With her orange silly putty which was a prize from the MS Read-a-thon, which necessitates all clothing and accessories henceforth being orange. Plus the wall, which I painted to order as soon as she got home from school.


Lauren Wayne said…
What a thorough mother you are! :)

I'm digging the orange look, and she's adorable.
Mary Lynn said…
Jamie's nuts about the colour orange.

When I show him Eve's picture he's going to be quite smitten.
Anonymous said…
My daughter also has a love of the superhero costume. She has me put socks on her hands for gloves, and then complains when she can't pick anything up. The joys of children!
The world needs an orange superhero.
Julie said…
superheros who are colour coordinated rock! and to coordinate with the walls? that is pure dedication!
Pam said…
Adorable. Off to save the world from bad fashion and dreadful cover songs! You go girl!
Patti Murphy said…
Your kids are the coolest.
Anonymous said…
Awe, such a sweet little pumpkin! Adorable!
Kelly Miller said…
That's my favorite color ... and maybe also my favorite name!

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