The Frog Girl ready for the birthday party at Little Ray's Reptiles


Anonymous said…
I do love shoes that co-ordinate with an outfit. Especially a froggy outfit.
A birthday party at a reptile place sounds like a hit party for sure. I like her outfit.

A Lot of Loves
Anonymous said…
This picture made my day...a kid after my heart! I LOVE frogs! Atleast as long as they're not the real ones that croak as in the noise or die...I only like stuffed, atatues, clothing and pictures with them...not the real ones! anyway, she is adorable!
Susie said…
I hope she had a great time:-)

I am here to welcome you to SITs! I hope you are enjoying the party:-)
The Mayor! said…
GOSH she's cute!! Ray's Reptiles huh??? Interesting LOL! Anywho, just popped by to grab your e-mail address to send you all your button codes! Check your e-mail, & Happy WW!

Mary Lynn said…
Oooooh! She's such a cutie! Love the froggy shirt.
Julie said…
i can't wait to have a party for the bean at ray's. i love that she dressed for the theme. too adorable!

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