Lest Ye Be Judged and all that crap

All the blog posts I just read (none of them my regularly scheduled reading) made me cranky. It's fine to say "I try not to be judgemental", but what the hell does that even mean? The truth is you can't really go five minutes without judging. You can't get from bed to bathroom to breakfast without making judgements. You have to use your own best judgement (which can be really unfortunate in some cases). And people? Well, aren't people just annoyingly individual, and different from each other, and all with the opinions and everything? And if they differ enough from you in how they think, or eat, or talk to their kids, or watch reality tv instead of Lost, or treat people who don't believe in their god (sorrowful glances as opposed to, say, acid-throwing), well then, how do you not judge that? I actually once heard myself say the words "God I hate intolerant people." Great, huh? And some things I can say "totally respect your opinion, although I totally disagree with you", and sometimes I lie awake all night formulating brilliant, incisive arguments that will without a doubt change this poor misguided unfortunate's mind if I just get the chance to share them. Because who, in the name of all that is sane and good and has a delicious candy shell in the world, would want to be different from me? Don't they know everything would be better if they just tried to be more like me? Well, me and Kurt from Glee.


Pam said…
I strive to be more like you everyday. But if everyone were just as perfect as we are, where would the amusement be? I mean, who could I mock for leaving stickers on reflectors without prejudging them for the enormous house they live in anyway? We must simply smile on those who have it all wrong and forgive them.
Mary Lynn said…
The internet makes me cranky sometimes, too. I think it all goes back to the point you made in a post a while back (and I'm totally gonna misquote you here...don't you HATE that?!?) about how there's nothing more scary that people who have absolutely certainty. Or sumpin' like that...

I don't actually understand people who judge other people all the time. I don't understand how people can, for instance, hear one tiny little snippet in the news about someone and, from that, develop opinions about who that person is, and how they should be living their lives differently. Do they realize how much they're embellishing the story? Do they care?
Julie said…
i'm curious to know what blogs you were reading to provoke this rant.

worth while rant it is. i know i silently judge all of the time and vocally judge some of the time, but it's more on the side of "well of course she can afford fluvog shoes! look at the house she's living in!" petty stuff like that. the "how can that person live on the same planet as me if they don't believe in x, y, z..." I really don't get.
SuziCate said…
I think we all internally judge at times, it's the ones who cut people down and try to hurt them about their differences that are not nice people. MY mama taught me that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all...I try to be like that because I know personally how hurtful words and judgements can be. "Nuff said, except you know we all want to be like you!!!
Amber Dusick said…
LOL, I have no tolerance for intolerant people either!
Patti Murphy said…
Allison, I have to say that you suck at being judgmental.
The Mayor! said…
LOL, love a good rant! And the fact that you DO read & support so many other blogs is exactly what makes you worthy of being recognized yourself....keep up the great entertainment, always a good read!! :-D

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