To-ing and Fro-ing

So my husband was in Japan on a last-minute unscheduled panic trip all week, the kids were sick for most of it, I was still coughing from whatever I had, and not much got done.
That was bad.
But my Mom or Dad came over most days so I could go for a walk so I didn't end up drowning myself or the kids in the bath tub and most days it didn't rain and the leaves were crunchy.
That was good.
Eve asked if we could go to the park on Thursday just as it was pouring rain and getting dark and I was making supper, so I said no and she burst into tears and said she never gets to swing any more and swinging is her favourite thing and lots of people have swing sets and we don't and it wasn't fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was bad.
Matt got home from the airport on Friday just in time to get her from the schoolbus and they went to the park down the street and she swung for half an hour before coming home.
That was good.
I had to miss the blogger's breakfast today because Matt had to take Angus to hockey and Eve is losing her voice again and she was tired and weepy and wanted to stay in her pajamas all day and most emphatically did NOT want to go downtown to meet a bunch of people neither of us have ever met.
That was bad.
While I was loafing somewhat disgruntled-ly, she made paper dolls of our family and brought them to me and said "I made paper people of us. Sorry your face is kind of weird" and we laughed.
That was good.
Then my friend Pam called. Her kids have been sick all week too, but they're mostly better, but her husband has now been walloped by what is probably the flu that shall remain nameless.
That was bad.
But she has two tickets to the wine and food show tonight and she asked me to go with her, since her husband can't.
That was good.
So I still get to go out and hang with fun people today. And there probably wasn't going to be wine at the blogger's breakfast. So even though I really wanted to meet Alison and anyone named Zoom is someone I definitely want to know, I'm looking on the side of (wine)glass at least half full.


Rosemary said…
Sometimes I go through weeks like this, trying to calculate the score. Somehow it always ends up 'half full' when I go and factor in the family I'm lucky to have, my beautiful children, nice place to live etc. Nice to know you too can always look on the bright side. I blame my mother for never allowing me to feel justified in feeling sorry for myself. How can this be such a good thing???
Mary Lynn said…
I actually snorted out loud at "Sorry your face is kind of weird." Kids are hilarious.

Oh, I have lots of good memories of the Ottawa Wine & Food show. Nice you got to go out and have fun.
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