(May contain) Blatant and Unjustified Whining and Self-Pity

So yeah, it's really fun, being alone with the kids for seven days and nights and then having my husband come home, dump all his laundry on me and leave his crap all over the house I've been trying not to let be destroyed all week. Then we go over to my Mom's house for dinner and he gets fussed over for how tired he must be and tells whimsical, charming stories about being in Hong Kong while I was alone with the kids for a week (except he leaves that part out). Also , he got home right after (I'm talking minutes) the school Halloween dance, meaning I had to herd the kids through an appalling mass of heaving bodies, deafening Black-Eyed Peas songs, lame D.J. patter and miniature Spider-Men (Mans?) and Hannah Montanas trying to take me out at the knees every other minute for two and a half hours all by myself . Actually, I suspect he landed at four o'clock and hung out at the airport for five hours drinking coffee and reading the magazines in the Elite Lounge just s...