Friday FIG Diaries

 I am going to see if I remember what FIG stands for (Flying Iguana Garage? Federal Imaginary Gorilla? February Images of Glue?) while I write this post, and if I don't I will consult Elisabeth's blog.

February 1st is my sister's birthday. This sneaks up on me even worse than Eve's birthday (today), so I often am scrambling to text on the right day and I never get the gift there on time.

Until this year.

I got her a book and some Nerds gummy clusters.

February 2 - After a few quite bad pain days, woke up with much less pain. Husband got home from California in the morning and we had a really nice conversation while I was still in bed and he was standing in the doorway, and then he had a shower and came and napped while I read and it was lovely.

February 3 - Not gonna lie, it was a rough day. I got almost no sleep overnight, felt like absolute shite getting up for work, and all day if I reached for something I knocked something over, if I took a cap off something it ended up behind a toilet, and every tiny thing made me feel like bursting into tears. But the kids were as great as usual, and I told my husband how I was feeling and went to bed with a book at 8:30 with a migraine pill and a sleeping pill, and that night was much better.

February 4 - I hadn't been to our bar night for a couple of weeks for various reasons, but we went and it was a slightly smaller group than usual, and the conversation and laughing was good for my soul. We have amazing friends and it's good to be reminded of that.

February 5 - Felt so much better getting up for work. A little kindergarten boy at my morning school took off before I had scanned his book, and when his teacher tried to direct him to come back he couldn't figure out what she wanted and acted out a bunch of hilarious scenarios completely seriously before she went and gently took his book and brought it to me while we all tried to discreetly wheeze with laughter. 

February 6 - I went to my massage therapist, who I've been seeing since November and I love beyond the telling of it. She reminded me that not progressing in a linear fashion is not a moral failing, and that when you experience pain for an extended period of time it is not unreasonable to sometimes feel disheartened about it. Then we talked about The Night Agent and Louise Penny, and dug her strong fingers into my neck muscles and carpal tunnel, and I felt better after. Then I drove to the library, because I knew I had three books on hold that had come in, but the fourth was still in transit the last time I checked, and I was hoping to pick all four up at once. And the fourth book was there! And the roads were crappy and I probably should have driven straight home, but I made it without incident.

February 7 - The birthing day of one of the greatest joys of my life. 

I have consulted Elisabeth's blog and it was not readily apparent on today's post what we are FIGging about. Ah well, won't be the first time I'm blogging in the dark. 


Suzanne said…
Omg look at the procession of Eves!!!! She is so beautiful! Happy birthday to her and to you!!!

You found a lot of things to be grateful for among so much pain. I hope this week is heavier on the good things and lighter on the bad. ❤️
StephLove said…
Happy birthday to Eve! Glad you found some bright spots. The kids are good for that (we're in Oberlin visiting North now).
Nicole said…
SHE WAS DANCING! I think of that every year on her birthday!
Hooray for the fourth book! And that's lovely to see the progression of photos of Eve. Sorry to read that you have been in pain, but glad to hear you got some relief, and I hope there is continued relief from the pain.
Elisabeth said…
Those photos of EVE! It's too much sweetness (I presume Nicole is dying somewhere right this very minute).
Love all the FIGs. I agree the full name is a mouthful and a bit ambiguous.
San said…
Loved all the kid pictures of Eve. Happy birthday! Also, thanks for sharing your FIGs (Finding joy in gratitude)... it's been a delight to read all the FIG posts.
NGS said…
I like to look at kid pictures and see when the person started looking like the person. I have a nephew who came out of the womb looking essentially just like he does now and another who, at fifteen, is still not settled into his face yet. When did Eve become Eve? Happy birthday!
J said…
Ugh on migraines, but so glad you got better and were able to rally. Your daughter! I love every picture. And I love your gift to your sister, too.
Stephany said…
This reminds me that I should really look into massage for my really bad nerve pain on my right hand. I bought a portable hand massager that really helps but I'm sure an ACTUAL PERSON massaging my arm and really digging into the muscle would be even more beneficial.

Happy birthday to Eve! That story about the little kindergartner was priceless!
maya said…
Happy birthday to your darling Eve. She is lovely in every way!!
And your massage therapist sounds like an absolute godsend--I'm so sorry about the chronic pain.
Bibliomama said…
After she's done my arm and underarm are so sore i can hardly touch them, but it does really help! Nerve pain is the worst.
Bibliomama said…
Lol, I love that we all know Nicole so well. When I post a bunch of pictures on Facebook, most people just like the post, but Nicole hearts all the pictures individually <3
Sarah said…
these Eve pics are darling, and not only is your blog a FIG for me, but you finally persuaded me (by example) to try a bit of daily gratitude myself. Thanks!
Busy Bee Suz said…
You found quite a few FIG moments and that is lovely! Your massage therapist sounds like a wonderful soul and I hope you continue to have better days.
Happy birthday to your beautiful Eve!

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