
Showing posts from September, 2024

Aaaand I'm sick again

 Don't get me wrong, I am totally grateful that I didn't get sick before we went to Charlotte, and it's not terribly surprising that I'm sick soon after getting back. It would have been nice to do library orientation without being half-high on cold meds and worrying about coughing fits, but whatever. I am still starting Operation De-Crapify The House, but slowly, because even colds with me tend to take a long time to depart fully, and I don't want to be dumb. Early on it seemed to be moving at a really fast clip, like those days when the wind is so strong the clouds seem to be moving across the sky at accelerated video speed. One and a half days of alarmingly sore throat, one and a half days of absolutely apocalyptic snot levels, and then everything settling down to just annoying. I am leaning on my anti-inflammatory inhaler hard, and started using the narcotic cough syrup right away in an attempt to forestall the Cough of Death, which has plagued me my entire life

Empty Nest, Visiting One Chick Who Flew the Coop

 How do you all BLOG SO MUCH? Is blogging just a thing you do like brushing your teeth or walking the dog or making dinner? That would explain a lot, actually (shut up, I brush my teeth, excessively almost.) Angus moved to North Carolina. Eve went back to school. Matt and I went to Charlotte for the long weekend to visit Angus and it was awesome.  We didn't really get to Ithaca until he was almost ready to leave, and I was sad that I couldn't really picture much of his day to day life and environment (is that weird? I don't know if it's weird). He made the drive mid-August and we gave him a couple of weeks to settle in and set up his room and then said we'd come and we could help him with anything he needed and go out for dinner but we wouldn't be intrusive and we'd just explore the city a little.  I can't remember if I told this story here, but how he got his roommate is so funny and typical for him and the baseball community. When he came home during C