Work in Progress

Nine years ago, Eve went to grade one and I started my Library and Information Technology Diploma.

Two years ago, I finished all my coursework.

Eight months ago, I finished my second placement.

Four months ago, I applied to the school board to get on the supply list.

I got an interview. I went to the wrong school. I went to the right school.

Three months ago I got an offer that was contingent upon sending a bunch of documents and an electronic confirmation that I had done a health and safety course.

Two months and three weeks ago, I was still trying to get the frigging electronic confirmation to go through.

Two months ago, I finally got officially added to the list as a casual library technician for the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.

Today was the first time (apart from some website testing for a friend) that I did paid work since before I had kids.

In this cute little school library. For some library tech who was kind enough to get sick or have an appointment today. 

I was terrified my log-in credentials wouldn't work, but they did! Look! That's my name, all official-like.

Eve sent me this text. 

She said she was proud of me. And in the grand scheme of things, this thing is small. But I think I'm proud of me too.

(Back to Books 2017 tomorrow)


Jenny said…
Congratulations!!! I taught pre-K for a year and a half and the library is where I would sneak off whenever possible.
Nicole said…
I’m so proud of you too! So proud!!! You did it, my friend, you did it.
Shan said…
This is amazing. Super proud of you my friend!
Super fantabulous!!! Love this!
Lynn said…
I'm so proud of you too!! Hope it was an amazing first day.
Julie Leclair said…
Stupid proud of you!! The first of many days in the libraries of the OCDSB. Awesome sauce.
Collette said…
I bet you left the place better than it was when you arrived. Proud of you, baby!
Unknown said…
Congratulations, colleague! The OCDSB is sooooooo lucky to have you! đŸ˜ƒ
Dimitra said…
Soooo proud of you! Congratulations my sweet friend! Xo
I'm a little late to the party, but I wanted to add my congratulations. Librarians are wonderful.

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