Just Say Oh to Drugs and Books Read in 2024: Four-Star Non-Fiction and Fiction
I've had a couple of bemusing interactions recently - the kind where I couldn't figure out if I was being weird or they were. One was a Japanese teacher who came in to the library the morning of Chinese New Year and asked me in a concerned manner if I thought her dress - floral with a mandarin collar - was cultural appropriation. The other one was actually just an overhear - I was walking towards the library and I saw an EA standing in an open doorway answering a teacher, "no, I don't have any kids. I'm only 26." This didn't strike me as super weird, but would you say that? 26 isn't old, but it seems amply old enough to have kids, surely? So remember the Gabapentin my doc prescribed before Christmas to try during the daytime for fibromyalgia pain, but I was holding off on trying it because it causes drowsiness and then I forgot all about it until my massage therapist mentioned it a couple of weeks ago? I know, probably not, neither did I, lol. I start...