March Break
March Break was super relaxing up front and enjoyable but not remotely relaxing at the end, which was a little backwards but what can you do, the Arts and Science Musical waits for no woman. Monday a group of us had lunch at a fun local Indian place. Two of us work in schools so were off for March Break, two of us work for Investors Group people who were off for March Break, and two of us are self-employed law practice people. Plus there was Tony, as long as his boss doesn't read this blog he's good. Tuesday I had a chill reading and yoga day and went to the chiropractor. I have thrown chiro, physio and massage therapy at this neck and back thing for years now, and I am starting to think I've gone as far as I can go addressing this structurally and my next step should be better drugs. Then we went to bar night and I had TWO drinks, because it was NOT a school night. Wednesday I got a pedicure. No matter how much I scrape and slather my feet, they are icky, and I think ...